Good morning!
I hope your Monday has started off well! I was reminded (with God's help) over the weekend that I can't do everything on my own. We all know this. We all also know that "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength" (Phil 4:13) Unfortunately, I think we focus on the wrong part of that verse...the part that says, "I can do all things..." We want to think that we can do it all. Every assignment, every lunch date, every presentation, every scheduled (and un-schedualed) thing, carry everyone's burdens...and at the end of the day still have more left to give at home...but that's not where our focus SHOULD be (nor is this possible). The focus and power of that verse is "THROUGH Christ, who gives me strength." I tend to over look that part. NOTHING can be acomplished without the help of God.
Do you believe that?
I admit, I struggle to keep this in mind (and believe it) through out my whole day. If we are in Christ and Christ is in us then we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help and guide us through the difficult and the easy moments of life...yet we ignore Him, and try to do it all on our own. We think that in our own strength we can do that diet, or meet all of those deadlines, or carry the burdens of all our family members and friends, or bring ourselves joy, or all of the above, or insert your own... the truth is friends, it is through Christ that we can do all things. And, I am comforted in that. I don't need to try so hard. I can give it up to God, and He'll take care of the rest...
That's the hardest part.
I struggle to give it all to God and then let him keep it...I tend to take back all the things I just gave Him...and I forget that sometimes, we need to give it up over and over and over again... And that's all that God asks. Give him your busy burdeded day...or your busy burdened He can comfort you and WORK through you (because you gave up your cares to Him) instead of work on you (because you're stubornly holding on to something that was never meant to burden you).