Yesterday was Good Friday. Christ murdered. Hung on a tree. Bleeding and broken because of, in payment for our sin...MY sin...your sin. All laid bare...so putrid and vile and disgusting that the Father turns His face away from His perfect sinless Son because He can no longer bear to look at the blemish, the defilement OUR sins have caused. Jesus took it willingly. Painfully. So WE don't have to.
Today...Saturday...nothing. Nothing but the weeping, wailing, cries of mourning for the Savior who was supposed to win not die! How could He!? Where was the Savior NOW??? A people filled with sorrow, regret, bewilderment, unease...
...But God...
Sunday. The stone is rolled away! The Tomb Is Empty! HE IS RISEN! HE LIVES!! HALLELUJAH!!! Jesus is victorious! He has done what He said he would do. And now, our sin is washed away and no longer taints the view God has of us because He now views us through the lens of Jesus who was our sacrifice, our death, our price, our resurrection, out LIFE! What wonderful news to spread through out the world! Praise God He loves us enough to pursue us even to the cross...even through the pain of our every day...even through the struggles of our past and the trials yet to come. Once we say yes to Jesus, He follows us through all of it...even when we run the other direction. He is always right there with us to welcome us into open arms when we are ready to once again surrender to His will and purpose for our lives.
That, my friends, is what Easter means to me. A beginning. A renewal. Life everlasting! I took a wrong turn...Jesus was there the whole time...protecting me...guiding me even when I didn't want Him to. Always right there with me, waiting for the moment I would stop trying to make it happen my way and allow Him to have reign over my life once more. Easter begs us to remember who we are IN CHRIST. Easter reminds us of our WORTH!
Happy Easter!