
The Lord is my Banner


Monday, May 2, 2011


Do you ever wonder how Monday gets here so fast?  I feel like, "Wait, wasn't it just Friday?  Where did the weekend go?"  To tell you the truth I don't really even know what kept me "busy"...but somehow Saturday got away from me...then Sunday got away from me...the next thing I know the alarm is going off to tell me I have work today...when I completely neglected the work I took home to do over the weekend.  I'm guessing it's not just me.

we have such good intentions right? We "sign ourselves up" for anything and everything intending to do the right thing.  to spend more time with a friend or loved one-to work on that report-to finish the project ahead of time-to prepare for that presentation coming up-to spend more time with our Lord and savior...  ---but how "good" are our intentions when we don't (or can't) follow through AND we leave God for last???  {did you catch that?}

how often do we leave Jesus (our one true love) for last?  And, for that matter, how often do we have good intentions to make our yes be yes and our no be no...only to realize we've dropped the ball?  We fill our lives SO full of works we lose sight of The One who makes it all possible.  The One who says "Come to me all who are weary and I will GIVE you rest"  He will GIVE!  There is nothing we can to to work up to or earn ANYTHING that The Lord wants to give.  He longs to be gracious to us.  I know what you're thinking, "the things we fill our lives with are good works and kingdom building and storing up treasures in heaven."  I agree.  We are called to good works...however...there's a line that we all to often cross...Jesus should ALWAYS be the first thought--He should always receive the first fruits--He should always be our number one.  So much of my weekend made ME number one... wonder it went by so fast.  If we spend more of our time with Jesus at the center, we will enjoy more, remember more, and ACCOMPLISH more BECAUSE of our reliance on HIM!


This one was written on a Monday a few weeks ago...but I feel the core issue is always and forever looming over our every Monday...the true reason we "hate Mondays"...  I wanted to share this on an "off" day (waiting for Saturday is just so difficult some times), so, thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, I always tell myself that I'm not going to load myself up with too much stuff and then I do anyway without even realizing it. And then yeah, I suddenly find that I haven't even thought about God in days--it's like I go on autopilot: "do homework. eat. clean. random errands. sleep. repeat." Thanks for posting this! Made me realize how often I go into autopilot mode, and I should try to break that cycle!
