I have never considered myself to be a leader. In fact, for most of my life I have searched for excuses to remain in the background. I have labeled myself a wallflower, follower, introvert, quiet, not much of a people person (whatever THAT means), socially retarded, and any number of other like labels...but... THAT'S NOT WHO GOD CREATED ME TO BE!!!!! Praise Him for that!!! When we think about how we should conduct ourselves as Christians, we should compare our actions with the character of Christ. So, of the labels formerly mentioned...do they fit the character of God? of Christ? No. God is NONE of those things.
In fact, each person is given gifts (or strengths). Some are teachers, some are athletes, some are business savvy, etc. EACH of these people need the others to lead them in what they do not know. This is how community is built. We are given strengths and spiritual gifts not so we can keep them to ourselves and admire what God has given us, but to SHARE them with others so that we may build and encourage the body.
We do not choose leadership. Leadership is gifted to us from God! It is our calling, it is our purpose. The choice is WILL we use that leadership to influence the Kingdom or will we smother our calling to leadership until we can no longer hear any call from God? There are no leaders or followers...we all have elements of both. We lead with our gifts and strengths AS we allow others to lead us with theirs.
One day late, but here it is :)