This Saturday comes with a Hurricane! Although I am much too far inland to feel the greatest effects, we are experiencing some rain and A LOT of wind. I have always enjoyed watching storms progress. Watching the clouds move across the sky and the rain take many forms as it is whipped about by the wind and crashes into the ground...Rain has always been my favorite weather :)
I recently have rediscovered my love for reading and am currently reading a book called "The Hidden Flame" by Davis Bunn and Janette Oke. It's the second in a series about the growth of Jesus' followers following his Crucifixion. It was while reading this morning that God spoke to me... Here's what I read:
"...'Please, God, just let me serve,' she prayed silently as she sat, hardly aware of the crowd that streamed by, but her words brought no feeling of peace. No sense that he was listening. She couldn't have explained which pained her more--a troubled heart or an injured leg. But even as she struggled a quiet voice inside whispered that here was a new opportunity for her to trust her Savior.Again she prayed. Not merely for wisdom, but for submission. Would she ever be ready--and willing--to let God work out the details of her future?...'help me trust you, Lord,' she prayed..."
We've all been there (whether the situation or circumstances are the same or not). Praying to a seemingly unlistening hearer...with no comfort of peace, no answer, no quick fix, no sign that we are even heard...and yet, in a quiet whisper, " is a new opportunity to trust your Savior..." Every moment of every day is a NEW opportunity to TRUST your Savior! I often find myself feeling as this character feels...wondering "Would she ever be ready--and willing--to let God work out the details of her future?..." It's so difficult in our flesh to trust our future to the "unknown"... BUT, it's NOT UNKNOWN! True, the outcome may not be known, we may not know what exactly to expect, we may even be tempted to take care of things in our own power because we struggle to wait... STOP for a second... We DO know that Christ came and died and ROSE again! We DO know that He works all things to the good of those called according to His purpose! (Romans 8:28) So, we DO know what to expect, friends!.. We can EXPECT GOOD!!!!! And we can ask God for help! We can ask anything in Jesus' name (according to His purpose) and it's already done in Heaven! (John 14:14, 1John 5:14) So ask. Pray for wisdom. Pray for submission to His will. Pray for trust. Pray for his help. (...yet you do not have because you do not ask.-John 14:14) And remember, sweet friends, every event in life (good or bad) is a new opportunity to trust our savior!
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