Two weekends ago, and again this weekend, I got to spend some time with my grandparents! It was so wonderful to see them and catch up! It reminded me how important and wonderful family can be...and how wonderful God is to have created the family bond and then created the picture perfect relationship for us to follow (God the father, Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit) and describes our roles perfectly in Ephesians 5-6.
I love that I have my family and that they are there for me when I need them! What's even better, is that when I don't have them, I have God. And in truth, He is all I need! The perfect father, the perfect son, the perfect brother, mother, sister, friend, grandparent... God can be our everything, and longs to be, if we let Him! When My life runs a mile a minute, I KNOW that I can find rest, comfort, and encouragement in God alone. (Psalm 62)
What a blessing. It seems we focus on family so much more during the "Holidays," beginning after Halloween and all the way through the New Year...There are parties and presents and conversation and love, hugs, kisses, hellos, and goodbyes--then the holidays pass and so do many of our longings for "family time"... In many ways this imitates our "family time" with God...doesn't it? We get to the "holidays" in life (Sundays, times of joy, times of sorrow, times of need, times of hurt) when we feel we need our God (our family) and we call to him, cry out to him...and many other things. And He's always there for us! Then, after he's filled us up, we begin to feel we don't need Him anymore, we can carry on for ourselves for a while, and we leave Him...BUT He never leaves US!!! We need to give God more than "family time"...God deserves ALL our time, and we need Him to help us through the battle of life on earth. Remember to keep God with you always, call out to Him every moment of every day! There is nothing we can do on our own, there is nothing we CAN'T do WITH God at our side! Praise Him for that!
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