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Saturday, November 19, 2011


We are entering my favorite time of year!  This is the time of year we start thinking about families and gatherings, holidays and feasts, decorating and music (specially written for this season), shopping and giving, scarves and pepermint mochas, and everything in between!  I LOVE the Holiday don't be surprised if this is not the only "seasonal" edition of SWS you read *wink, wink*  I am always filled to overflowing with joy and song and cheer when Christmas comes around!
I went to the Raleigh Christmas Parade this morning, and who did I see?  Santa himself of course!  Announcing to the world, a few days early, that it's time to start Christmas...Well, Christmas "Santa-style." 

It seems our culture likes to spring it on us earlier and earlier each year...  Decorations up in stores in October...  "Christmas in July" type parties and family photos for the greeting cards...  Even those precious Operation Christmas Child boxes are processed before Thanksgiving...  As I sit here writing, my sweet dog, Bailey, is slumbering away (whimpering, sniffing, and twitching), I imagine she is chasing her Christmas goose (or maybe it's chasing her)!..  There's even a popular holiday song that tells us to keep Christmas in our hearts all year long...  And why not? 
This is the time of year we celebrate the greatest gift ever given...The gift of Jesus Christ!  It overwhelms me every time I think of it...How God the father decided, in His sovereignty and perfect wisdom and grace, to come and dwell among us in human form so that he could, 33 years later, die on a cross and rise again, 3 days later, to SAVE us from our sin!  What a gift!  What a treasure!!  What a reason to celebrate!!!
Thanksgiving is nearly upon us...just three short days of working then on with turkey and football on Thursday, and for many, Black Friday (which now begins at midnight on Thanksgiving)...and for those shopping, this is a day we truly need Christmas in our hearts...remembering that each gift purchased is purchased at a cost...  The cost of our everlasting salvation?  Christ's death.  A gift given, at no cost to us.  Christ does not require an exchange...there's nothing he expects in return...He just asks that we open our hearts to His gift, then waits for us to accept it.  PRAISE GOD!!!  Now that is something to be thankful for! 

*What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving week???

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for God's greatest gift of grace, family, friends, coworkers, and the ability to give (even if it's what I consider a "little") to those less fortunate than myself!
