So. I was at the pool today, enjoying the glory of God through sun and rest...A girl came with her dad and a friend. While playing, one girl asked the other, "Are you a Christian?" She asked a few times, perhaps the girl being asked was unsure of the answer...but, I couldn't help but smile and I was struck by her outward confidence and show of love for her friend in asking (even if, at age 6 or 7, she had no idea this was what she was showing)...and I can only wonder what the follow up question or statement would have been if the friend had said "no"...or even "yes"...
How often do we wear our faith on our sleeve like this small girl? How often do we care enough for our friends to inquire about their salvation? God pointed at me... How often do I? When, if ever, have I? We, as Christians are called to GO into ALL the world and MAKE disciples. Whether we GO to another country, or go to the poor, or go to church...there is ALWAYS a call to share the greatest love we've ever known! So, why don't we? We are called to have childlike faith. So, why don't we? If we believe God is who He says He is, and we believe we are who He says we are, and we believe He can do what he says He can do...why don't we show it-share it-shout it from the roof tops!!! Doesn't our savior deserve SO much more than that?
Somehow, in our growing up years we have lost our childlike faith. How does this happen? How, in becoming an adult, do we learn that it is no longer okay to be like a child?
As I watched the 2012 group of pre-kindergartners graduate from our center today...as I watched their teacher send a balloon into the heavens wishing the best for each one by name...as I watched the parents filled with pride and tears of joy as they watched their children growing up...I was reminded of God's love for the children. Jesus said "let the little children come to me." Go to Him. Drop your pride and selfishness and Go to Him. Fall at His feet. Allow yourself to enter God's presence like a child to a father and be blessed as he showers His love all over you! AND THEN...SHARE that love with the people around you!
Oh, Lord, help me to have faith like a child. To share the greatest love I've ever known. To show your glory to the world. Fill my heart with all that you are so that I do not draw attention to myself, but to you.
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