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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Breaking Down Walls

A wall is not built by one brick...a doubt is not formed by one question...a life is not lived by one moment...a change is not reached by one choice, it takes many.  In our culture of "I want it now" littered with fast food, instant messaging, direct deposit, and live TV (to name only a few) we can easily forget how things...all things, must work together...and DO work together, build on each other, need one another (whether we want them to or not).  Each moment of an individual life becomes interwoven with every other moment and effects how past is perceived and how future is approached.  Not only that, but in the amazing way God has created our minds we are able to relate one unrelated moment with another and find a common thread.  A message, if you will, of learning directed specifically at the individual.  We see this when a conversation, television show, song on the radio, and sermon all seem to "speak" the same message into our lives in a short period of time.  It is these learnings we share with others.  We talk about "how weird is this?"...  I believe it's God's way of saying "Listen up!  I have a plan for you!"

The church sermon today was on the Second Coming of Jesus, Sunday school before church was about how we know the Bible is trustworthy, and yesterday I had a conversation with my family about Satan's desire to stop us in our tracks by building up a wall and blocking out the light.  Through these individual moments, the Holy Spirit spoke truth into my life in a way that said, "Listen up!  I have a plan for you!" When God speaks this way, we simply can not keep it to ourselves, so I'd like to share the common thread with you: DOUBT.

How often do we doubt?  We may doubt a commercial, or a story told to us by a friend.  We may doubt the stability of a structure, or the validity of the weather man.  Whatever doubts you're faced with on a day to day, the one we all have in common is doubt in our faith...doubt in God.  We are all presented with opportunities to doubt God.  This is Satan's life's work!  His desire is to cause us to doubt God's truth and turn away!  Let's look at it this way, we are all walking our own tunnel and there is light at the end...suddenly, we smack into a brick wall-stopping us in our tracks and blocking out the light.  On the wall is written a question.  Satan's way of weaseling into your thoughts with a question (which may be based in fact) laced with the slightest hint of a lie.  And what do we do?  It's dark...the light is hidden.  It's cold...the light's warmth is blocked.  We panic.  We doubt.  We fear.  We begin to wonder if that question written on the brick wall is valid...we begin to question God...we begin to believe Satan.

That's the ugly truth of it...if you're NOT believing God, you ARE believing Satan...and he is winning a battle (within your heart) that he has already LOST!!!  Did you hear that?  Satan is trying to take back a victory that is not his.  Christ WON the battle on the cross and Satan is pissed!  He will do EVERYTHING in his power to hide the victor's banner from your sight.  BUT...there is hope!  If you have the Holy Spirit, you have the power to tell Satan to flee from your sight and that brick wall will flee with him and take all doubt with it!  What beautiful fantastic hope!

Are you up against a wall?  Are you having trouble seeing and feeling the light?  Rely on the power of the Spirit and tell Satan, "Get behind me!  You have NO place here!"  Break through that wall and keep moving forward!  Don't be surprised when another wall appears, but don't give in!  A brick wall can only stop you for as long as it takes you to blast it down!  Some walls will take some work, one brick at a time, but allow God to work alongside you as he changes and shapes your character into His likeness.  Learn from it and move on.

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