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Sunday, July 24, 2011

What Do You Seek?

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
What do you seek?  As humans we seek wealth, fortune, truth, love, comfort, honesty, leadership, counsel, meaning, worth, gratitude, kindness, et cetra...  Every day is filled with a search for whatever it is we are "missing."  We are consumed with the action of searching with the goal of fulfillment...yet we are not fulfilled.  Nothing we seek, once found, satisfies.  Why?
Our Creator, God, gifted us with the ability to seek and the free will make a choice once we find what we seek...All we need to do is rely on wisdom and reason to make the right choice...right?  But, whose wisdom do we rely on?  Where do we find our model for what is right?
The ONLY answer is Christ.
God created us to seek...Him.  There's an old song that says, "there's a God shaped hole in all of us..."  I believe that.  God created us with a void to fill, a void that can only be filled with Christ.  Before the fall, when Eden was perfect, Adam and Eve never felt that void because God was with them every step of the way...After the fall we have been left to choose to fill the void with Christ and Christ alone.
What do you seek?  What are you searching for right now?  Where are you looking?  To your job?  To your friends?  To yourself?  Are you finding FULL satisfaction IN Christ every moment of every day?
There is no person, no thing, no word, no action, no amount, no status...NOTHING that can fill or satisfy our search OTHER than Jesus!!  How COMFORTING!  We have a God who loves us so much that he created a place for Himself in our hearts, and then PURSUES us so that we might find Him!
How has He pursued you today?  Really think about it...write it down...Share His pursuit of you with others!  We serve a wonderful, majestic, loving God!  (and what girl (or boy) doesn't want to be pursued?)

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