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Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's Growth.

God has an answer for everything, doesn't he?  I have found that His answer is almost never the same as mine, or the one I think He should have, or ever in a timeframe that I think is appropriate, sometimes the answer doesn't even feel like an answer...BUT He is always right.
I am at a place in my life where I never thought (or hoped or dreamed) I would be...I didn't ask for it...or did I?  I wanted a new chapter.  I wanted an adveture.  I wanted to expeience God's presence in a new and meaningful way.  I wanted to gorw closer to Him and stronger in my faith.  ...I have gotten EXACTLY what I asked for...  just not the way I thought I would.  This life is much harder than the one I thought I was asking for...but it's fuller than ANY life I could have dreamed of!!!
This doesn't mean I don't question "why?", get frustrated, angry, depressed, feel lonely, forgotten, cast aside...  BUT when those feelings come, I am reminded by the comforting hand of MY Omnipotent God that I am where HE wants me to be...LEARNING what He wants me to learn.  Do I understand WHY?  HECK NO!  Will I ever understand?  Only God knows.  Am I happier than ever?  Yes.  Sure, I have down moments...moments when the Enemy seeps in like a dense fog attempting to suffocate my joy...but light is always stronger than darkness and GOD is always BY MY SIDE!!!  (Some days I need to remind myself of this more often than others)
So I wonder, dear friends, where are you on "your timeline?"  Have you gotten what you asked for in a way you never imagined?  Have you been derailed from your will only to be found in HIS?  Do you question "WHY?"  It's been my experience (thus far) that when we find ourselves asking "why?" (why me? why now? why this? why not?) God's brought us right where he wants us.  Think about it.  It's exciting.  It's painful.  It's growth.

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