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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easier Said Than Done...

Sometimes, God's purposes are made immediately clear. Sometimes we practice waiting and growing until His plan is revealed. Many times, we wait long enough that purpose either pops up unexpectedly or not at all causing the wait to be that much harder. I have experienced all of these in varying degrees, and I'd have to say the first scenario is my favorite. However long God has for us to wait, the part He hopes we will focus on is the journey, the process in the waiting. It is extremely easy, however, to become indifferent, complacent, and lukewarm when the waiting is long.
Revelation 3:14-22
"Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea:
“The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Originator of God’s creation says: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I’m rich; I have become wealthy and need nothing,’ and you don’t know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire so that you may be rich, white clothes so that you may be dressed and your shameful nakedness not be exposed, and ointment to spread on your eyes so that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be committed and repent. Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne. Anyone who has an ear should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Spent the day with a great friend today. During breakfast, we looked at this passage together. We talked about the choice to answer Jesus' call and open the door to Him...and, if we choose NOT to respond to HIM we are in fact responding to Satan. Satan will fill any bit of our heart that is left open...Choosing anything other than Christ to fill our hearts, is choosing Satan. We must, therefore, choose to look at ALL things through the lens of the Holy Spirit and listen for Jesus' knock on the door of our hearts because our actions, deeds, works, whatever, are NOT going to get us anywhere but tired. Jesus will not rest until we respond and when we respond, we are able to rest! It's when we are able to rest in Him that our works and deeds become a blessing rather than a trial. God provided the opportunity after breakfast to join another friend and volunteer our time and talent to put into practice His call to show Jesus to others...a task we are all called to as soon as we say "yes" to Jesus' knocking and welcome Him into our hearts. Throughout the day, I've reflected on the thoughts of the morning and God has granted me sight into His purpose for this day; to show me, I believe, that today is the day that matters! Yesterday is dead and gone. Tomorrow has worries of its own. Today is the day the Lord has made, His mercies are new every morning!!!
Not that this is a new thing...Popular culture tells us to live for today, for tomorrow we die...the point is, what will you DO with today? Will you use this day, this hour, this moment, to reach others for Christ?
Jesus calls us to boldly approach the throne of grace (Heb 4:16) so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time. God fills us so that we may then boldly share His truth with others. As I come closer to my first overseas mission trip I am comforted and strengthened by this truth! I know that I can confidently and boldly approach the throne of grace so that I may be filled with grace to boldly share Christ with the people of Penzance, England! I see each day how God is preparing my heart for this trip. Not all is it is easy. There is some refining - a bit of fire to walk through along the way - which is never easy or fun. God's molding of my character has become a new joy every evening...just to look back on the day and choose to find the good that god has uncovered in my heart!
We are all a work in progress, and sometimes the waiting is long, but God is faithful to complete the work He started in each of us and calls us only to be faithful to follow His lead. We don't go blindly...He's with us always, even to the end of the age.

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