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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Inside out.

Man...I have GOT to get on the ball about getting this out ON Saturday...sorry for making you wait...and building your anticipation ;)

I do not have anything as wise or Yoda-like as last week...but, just as beautifully handwritten on my heart by God, to you.  Two weeks ago I wrote about choices...but I forgot one very important point...a point that HIT ME BETWEEN THE EYES this week!  Making a choice is all we need to do, yes.  HOWEVER...there are two sides to each choice.  We can choose yes, OR we can CHOOSE no....I know what you're thinking..."yeah...and?"  Example:  I have chosen to transform my health this year.  For me, that means eating right and walking to work every, I mean EVERY day (no matter the weather)...At least...that's what I was telling myself.  Yet, morning after morning after morning, I find myself choosing not to...Choosing "NO."  *All the while, I am thinking I am just choosing "I need more sleep" or "I need to do this or that" or "I don't feel well, I need to get feeling better"  and so on and so on and so on...*

Saying "No" to choosing "Yes" is still choosing "No."

I can't explain why...but this was So huge for me this week!  HUGE!  And the best part?  God is there to support our struggle to choose to say "Yes" (and "No" when necessary).  Please, don't get me wrong, there are times when we need to say "No."  My small revelation was in reference to making a commitment and then finding excuses to choose no.  Am I alone here?  I'd like to think others are as "good" at making excuses as I am...  Praise God, that HE has the power to change that part of me.  So, on the road to "Transformation" there is only One God and He is the ONE source of TRUE TRANSFORMATION, from the inside out!

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